Empower a Uyghur Student: Fund My UK Master’s Journey

Empower a Uyghur Student: Fund My UK Master's Journey

This content was copied from Gofunme.com

Dear Friends and Kind Supporters,

My name is Kawsar. I am an Uyghur student in my early 20s. To the surprise of many people, I was actually born and raised in Egypt, and I loved my life there, until we received news of the sudden disappearances of some of our fellow Uyghur diaspora in Egypt, only to find out that they’re being deported back to China during the CCP’s crackdown on our people in 2016. Out of fear for our lives, my family escaped Egypt under very stressful and difficult circumstances. Like so many Uyghurs we sought refuge in Turkey. My life was never the same since. I witnessed my father’s detention for the first time as we were trying to escape Egypt. We received frequent harassment and threats from Chinese intelligence abroad. We started to hear of family members disappearing and the slow but eventual complete silence from grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles. Our move to Turkey brought with it financial instability, isolation, a language barrier, and helplessness. I understood for the first time in my life what it means to be persecuted. This ignited in me a determination to utilize my language skills (I know Uyghur, English, and Arabic) and education to speak up for our people.


I am a Political Sciences and International Relations graduate. During my studies, I became an advocate for Uyghur human rights, engaging in a number of projects simultaneously. One of my most notable achievements is the creation of the Uyghur Genocide Museum. While this work has been incredibly fulfilling, it was overwhelming. You see, as a dispossessed teenager, I am aware that I have to mature faster than my friends who thankfully do not face the hardships of ethnic persecution. Aside having to adopt to my sudden new life in Turkey and ensuring my graduation from university (or else I risk losing my scholarship), I realized my generation became the beacon of hope of what not only our parents could not achieve and sacrificed for, but also the bearers of the heavy responsibility to keep our lineage alive.

As an interpreter who has worked with various journalists and social workers, I was continuously subjected to second hand traumas. I did translations of Uyghur ex-prisoners in China and of women who forcibly underwent sterilization operations and many more stories that reflected a lot about the Uyghur situation. Unsurprisingly, I burned out, and I genuinely believed that I’ll fail my graduation! But I didn’t.

In fact, these hardships granted me the motivation to set my sights on a bigger goal. I decided to further my education abroad, and I am thrilled to share that I received an unconditional offer from the University of Sussex to pursue an MA in International Relations!

Unfortunately, by the time I learned about government scholarships, the deadlines had passed. Some private organizations I applied to deemed the fees too high. As a result, I have been unable to secure a scholarship.

Tuition Fees & Expenses Breakdown:

• Tuition Fees: £21,500

• Accommodation & Living Expenses: £15,000

• Total Needed: £36,500

The university has graciously agreed to defer my studies to the 2025-2026 academic year, giving me more time to secure funding. In the meantime, I am continuing to seek out scholarships and other sources of support. This GoFundMe campaign is my way of ensuring that I don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity!

The goal of this campaign is to raise enough money to cover my tuition and accommodation costs (which includes my living costs, including visa, flights, and books) until I can secure a full scholarship for the upcoming academic year.

Currently, I’m working as an Analyst Assistant with an Uyghur organization where we write reports, collect testimonies and do research. Even when I collect my full and part-time job salaries, when saving them, the amount won’t add up/not be sufficient.

Why I Need Your Help

I’d like to believe that there is a greater plan behind my unique challenges. And while it is difficult for me to request financial help, I am reaching out to you, generous donors, to support my dreams for success, despite all circumstances. I believe I can create much needed international policy change through my higher education to help more refugees and persecuted communities. At a time where Uyghur women are facing state-sponsored systemic oppression. I think I’m privileged enough to be living outside China and conduct studies in China’s genocidal policies while highlighting its implications on Uyghur women. With your help, I can make the most of this opportunity, expand my network among academics, politicians and human rights activists to advocate for Uyghur rights through being involved in further projects, reports and lobbying policies in a country with many opportunities and as central as the UK.

I promise you transparency sharing milestones and successes along the way.

Thank you for considering my campaign. Any contribution, no matter how small, will make a significant difference.

Warm regards,



1st Deadline: September 2024 -> goal: 5000 GBP

When each person donates 50 and we reach 730, the entire goal will be reached. So please give a 50 at least then call your friends to contribute with a 50 too.

*Note: the beneficiary “Maysara Omar” is my sister. For technical reasons, I attached my sister’s info as a beneficiary.

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