Support the 8th General Assembly of the WUC

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World Uyghur Congress (WUC) Weltkongress Der Uiguren E.V. is organizing this fundraiser.

The World Uyghur Congress (WUC) is an international organization that represents the collective interests of the Uyghur people in both East Turkestan and abroad. The principle objective of the WUC is to promote democracy, human rights and freedom for the Uyghur people and to use peaceful, nonviolent and democratic means to determine their future.

This year, we are thrilled to host the 8th General Assembly of the World Uyghur Congress—a pivotal event that will bring together Uyghur leaders, activists, and supporters from around the globe, from October 24 – 27, 2024. This assembly is not just a meeting; it’s a crucial opportunity to strategize, galvanize our efforts, and strengthen our voice in the fight for Uyghur rights.

The General Assembly will be preceded by an International Conference. This conference aims to gather Uyghur activists, civil society representatives, international and Uyghur scholars as well as experts, and policymakers with the aim to foster and sustain the effective ways of collaboration between different Uyghur and other civil society groups and find new ways to expand our work. Thematic issues ranging from atrocity crimes, accountability, global supply chains to transnational repression will be at the center of the discussion.

Our Goals:

Democratic Leadership: The assembly will serve as a democratic platform to elect our leaders, ensuring that our organization remains transparent, accountable, and representative of the diverse voices within our community. By building a strong, democratic leadership, we empower our movement with renewed energy and direction.

Amplifying Efforts: This gathering will provide a critical space for discussing and addressing transnational repression faced by the Uyghur people. We aim to develop robust strategies to counteract these global challenges and advocate more effectively on the international stage.

Strengthening Unity: By uniting Uyghur leaders and supporters from around the world, we will reinforce our collective strength and solidarity. This unity is vital as we work together to confront injustices and secure a future where Uyghur rights are respected and upheld.

Why Your Support Matters:

Your contribution will help cover the essential costs of organizing this significant event, including logistics, accommodations, and travel for participants. With your support, we can ensure that the assembly is a success and that our movement continues to make meaningful progress.

How You Can Help:

Donate: Your financial support will directly impact our ability to host the assembly and facilitate productive discussions and decisions.

Share: Spread the word about our campaign within your networks to help us reach more supporters.

Engage: Join our community and stay informed about our efforts and upcoming events.

Together, we can build a strong democratic leadership and advance our shared goals for justice and human rights. Support the 8th General Assembly of the World Uyghur Congress and be a part of this crucial step towards a brighter future for the Uyghur people.

Thank you for your unwavering commitment and support.

Donate Now

World Uyghur Congress

Tel: +49 89 5432 1999

Fax: +49 89 5434 9789

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